Firma Aspire Sports s.r.o. přebírá od 1. dubna 2009 distribuci značku Cannondale pro českou republiku od firmy Vokolek Import. Aspire Sports s.r.o., dosavadní distributor značek kol GT, Mongoose a Schwinn v České a Slovenské republice přebírá Cannondale v rámci firmy Cannondale Sports Group, která všechny tyto značky celosvětově zastřešuje.
Dosavadním distributorem Cannondale u nás byl sedmnáct let pan Michal Vokolek, kterému Cannondale Sports Group děkuje za dosavadní spolupráci a za všechno, co pro značku Cannondale v ČR udělal. Hladké předání značky zajistilo, že při změně distributora nedojde k žádným negativním vlivům na prodej a servis značky Cannondale v české republice.
Basel, Switzerland. - March 26, 2009- Cannondale Sports Group announced
today that the Distribution of Cannondale in Czech Republic will transit from
Vokolek Import s.r.o to ASPIRE SPORT s.r.o. per 1st April 2009. ASPIRE
SPORTS is a long term partner for CSG and started the distribution of
Cannondale already in Slovakia last year.
Cannondale wants to thank Mike Vokolek for all the work done for the
Cannondale brand in Czech Republic.
ASPIRE SPORTS s.r.o now will be carrying all brands of the group, which
consists of Cannondale, GT, Mongoose and Schwinn in Czech Republic and
Slovakia. With this new partnership CSG and Aspire are aiming to fully
develop the brand potential of Cannondale in favor of the Cannondale dealers
and consumers in Czech Republic.
"Aspire has established a wide dealer network build on reliable retailers with
good reputation", said Jan Tropberger, CSG's Director of Distributor Sales,
"Cannondale will be a welcome addition to a well established and already
strong partner, offering some of the highest customer service standards in
the market."
A smooth transition which is agreed by both distributors will ensure that
there are no negative affections to the business of the Czech Cannondale
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